Hi everyone! We did a shout out before when we were midway through our residency. And now sadly, this greeting is to tell you that it’s over. It was a wonderful 8 weeks— it’s so rare these days to be part of something where the pacing is exactly right, and you can take your time to explore something new. Throughout me and Sam’s exchange, it really felt like a dance— we came together, introduced ourselves through our practice, gave each other a whirl through our everyday life- heavy issues weighing on our mind as well as the little things we don’t usually notice– like tiny little weeds growing through the pavement cracks or condensation scurrying down the window pane (on the inside for Sam’s, on the outside for mine). Sam was going through a cozy winter, and I was evaporating in sticky Singapore. Of course Covid was always in the background, making us think twice about usually second nature things like breathing. Air, this life force, became a prominent motif in our creative exchanges.

We didn’t begin with any particular question but looking back it seemed like the overarching intention was to figure out: how do we really know another person’s experience?

I think outside our once a week Zoom call, what we experimented with was creating a dialogue that was open to interpretation, often employing scores and ‘performance’ to explore with one another– photos responding to a wordless video walking guide, a list of verbs answering a ‘sculpture’ made of sounds. The abstract usage of different media allowed us to be completely ourselves while still directing energy to the other. The considerations are different from normal dialogues; no need for the other to ‘get it’ exactly— yet it was still comfortable and nourishing. After 8 weeks it feels like we've just begun, so we decided we will keep building this space :)

Please head over to our blog to get a feel for what we shared. Also, we are doing a takeover of Platform’s IG on the 31st of July to the 1st of August. Come say hi!



It has been a mere fortnight since our Platform/Laselle Exchange concluded—the pencilled Zoom meeting time has vanished from my calendar, only to be replaced by scheduled/rescheduled artistic events. 

Prior to commencing our collaboration, I did not foresee feeling a sense of loss once (virtually) departing. How peculiar, that I have not breathed the same air as Kar-men nor heard her voice without the crackling of Zoom interference. Yet, through digital collaboration and virtual conversation, we merged our creative practices—the essence of a successful residency. 

Nevertheless! We are continuing our collaborative work outside of this exchange!

Kar-men and I have exclusive access to Platform’s Instagram, 31/01 August—this coming weekend! Within this digital ‘takeover’, we will virtually present our 8-week collaboration alongside a Q&A component—we hope to be questioned whilst also initiating the questioning (to you, the audience).

Samantha Taylor